Seven Final Lessons in 360-Degree Video

I finally finished the 360-degree video short course. The first weeks offered an overview of virtual reality and 360-degree video and the following weeks moved into pre-production and gear. The final weeks covered editing and other considerations. I found this module the least helpful of the three as it relied on external videos and offered…

11 More Lessons in 360-Degree Video

I am continuing my way through a 360-degree video short course. While the first lessons offered more of an overview about virtual reality and 360-degree video, these more recent lessons moved into pre-production and gear possibilities (which is the best part, right?). Here are 11 more takeaways from the recent lessons. 1. The audience must…

11 Early Lessons in 360-Degree Video

I recently started taking a short course on 360-degree video and how that kind of video fits within virtual reality production. While some argue that the two don’t belong in the same conversation, it’s better to think of them and other interactive experiences as degrees on a spectrum. The following post brings together 11 takeaways…

Unboxing an Insta360 ONE X Camera

Part of the fun in learning about creating new media is exploring new equipment options. I opted for an Insta360 ONE X camera bundle. The camera offers some options I want to check out, had some good reviews, and fit the price range.